Arrieta and Pedro Arrizabalaga are two traditional gun manufacturers. They were founded more than one hundred years ago – Arrieta – and more than seventy years ago in the case of Pedro Arrizabalaga, and now under the same ownership.


Avelino Arrieta established himself as a gunsmith in Eibar in 1919. The Arrieta family lived and worked in the industrial town of Elgoibar, a short distance from Eibar on the Deba river. The workshop has included over the years a variable workforce producing mainly sidelock shotguns on the bench. With very little machinery, these tough craftsmen have modeled their guns on the English ideal: Holland-pattern sidelock, with assisted-opening mechanism and Purdey triple-bolting system. And both shotguns of all the calibers and gauges and express rifles have been completely manufactured in the basque region and exported and sold all over the world.

Pedro Arrizabalaga

Pedro Arrizabalaga became an independent company in 1944. His family name has been a part of the trade at least since 1748, with documents that link Tomas de Arrizabalaga, working in Eibar. Recent history records Pedro Arrizabalaga as the most elegant “best guns” in the basque production.